Monday, December 18, 2006

Fundamentals For Financial Success

Not Rocket Science

Becoming financially independent is more a matter of common sense and long term discipline than anything else.

The great Cambridge economist and investor John May nard Keynes, placed his funds in no more than two companies at any one time. This simplistic approach was later adopted by Warren Buffet.

Invest Before You Spend

The most basic of all rules is to make sure you allocate funds into your investments first, only then spending what is left over. A good rule of thumb is to invest 30% and live of 70%.

Never Lose Money

The Golden Rule of investing is to never lose money. You must be careful to take advice from and invest with people who have better track records than yours.

A wealthy businessman I know of uses the following simple rule. Whenever approached to invest in shares or property, he simply asks to see the adviser’s tax returns for the last 3 years. If the returns are better than his (and very few are on account of the fact that he never hears from most people again), only then does he strategically invest some of his hard earned funds.

Losing money translates to the direct loss of the time and therefore life that it took to accumulate in the first place. When in doubt, walk away. Remember, don't lose money !

Avoid Instant Gratification

Most people fall victim to what economists call ‘emotional spending’.

They spend all they have and then some by getting into debt over items that keep little or none of their value over time. What have you purchased over the last 12 months that in hindsight you are getting minimal value from? What did it cost? Could you have better invested your money somewhere else?

In the ‘Millionaire Next Door’, the authors Stanley & Danko conducted extensive research on hundreds of self - made multimillionaires, coming to the fundamental conclusion that all of them behave in a frugal manner. If you cannot overcome your desire for instant gratification and spend all you make, then the seeds of greatness are not in you.

The Greatest Investment In The World

People often ask my advice on where to best invest. Cash, shares, or property?

My reply is that they first begin by investing in themselves.

Take between 1 - 3% of you monthly income and invest it back into yourself through books, audio programs, and personal development seminars.

Remember, you are where you are in your financial life because of what you both do and don't know. The only way you can possibly earn more is to learn more. Your rewards we always be directly proportional to what your mind brings to the table.

Action Exercises

1. Regain control of your financial world by honestly reviewing your current financial position. Does it look healthy?

2. Make a list of all the items that you spend money on that are adding very little value to your life.

3. Where could you best invest the surplus cash generated by you spending less and saving more? Who could you ask for advice?

4. Set up a separate direct account (with a book club) into which you place between 1 - 3 % of your gross monthly income. Invest this back into your brain!!!!!

Dan Floros is the world's leading authority on Clarity, Focus & Simplicity.

He is a highly sought after keynote speaker, seminar leader, and mentor in his capacity as chairman of Sydney and Dubai based Dan Floros International.

His organization specializes in the development of human potential at both the personal and corporate level through fundamental success principles, unbreakable universal laws, together with time proven strategies that cut through complexity and deliver meaningful results……!

He is passionate about transforming the lives of peoples around the globe through cutting edge knowledge in the disciplines of leadership, personal effectiveness, business strategy, and financial independence.

Not Rocket Science

Becoming financially independent is more a matter of common sense and long term discipline than anything else.

The great Cambridge economist and investor John May nard Keynes, placed his funds in no more than two companies at any one time. This simplistic approach was later adopted by Warren Buffet.

Invest Before You Spend

The most basic of all rules is to make sure you allocate funds into your investments first, only then spending what is left over. A good rule of thumb is to invest 30% and live of 70%.

Never Lose Money

The Golden Rule of investing is to never lose money. You must be careful to take advice from and invest with people who have better track records than yours.

A wealthy businessman I know of uses the following simple rule. Whenever approached to invest in shares or property, he simply asks to see the adviser’s tax returns for the last 3 years. If the returns are better than his (and very few are on account of the fact that he never hears from most people again), only then does he strategically invest some of his hard earned funds.

Losing money translates to the direct loss of the time and therefore life that it took to accumulate in the first place. When in doubt, walk away. Remember, don't lose money !

Avoid Instant Gratification

Most people fall victim to what economists call ‘emotional spending’.

They spend all they have and then some by getting into debt over items that keep little or none of their value over time. What have you purchased over the last 12 months that in hindsight you are getting minimal value from? What did it cost? Could you have better invested your money somewhere else?

In the ‘Millionaire Next Door’, the authors Stanley & Danko conducted extensive research on hundreds of self - made multimillionaires, coming to the fundamental conclusion that all of them behave in a frugal manner. If you cannot overcome your desire for instant gratification and spend all you make, then the seeds of greatness are not in you.

The Greatest Investment In The World

People often ask my advice on where to best invest. Cash, shares, or property?

My reply is that they first begin by investing in themselves.

Take between 1 - 3% of you monthly income and invest it back into yourself through books, audio programs, and personal development seminars.

Remember, you are where you are in your financial life because of what you both do and don't know. The only way you can possibly earn more is to learn more. Your rewards we always be directly proportional to what your mind brings to the table.

Action Exercises

1. Regain control of your financial world by honestly reviewing your current financial position. Does it look healthy?

2. Make a list of all the items that you spend money on that are adding very little value to your life.

3. Where could you best invest the surplus cash generated by you spending less and saving more? Who could you ask for advice?

4. Set up a separate direct account (with a book club) into which you place between 1 - 3 % of your gross monthly income. Invest this back into your brain!!!!!

Dan Floros is the world's leading authority on Clarity, Focus & Simplicity.

He is a highly sought after keynote speaker, seminar leader, and mentor in his capacity as chairman of Sydney and Dubai based Dan Floros International.

His organization specializes in the development of human potential at both the personal and corporate level through fundamental success principles, unbreakable universal laws, together with time proven strategies that cut through complexity and deliver meaningful results……!

He is passionate about transforming the lives of peoples around the globe through cutting edge knowledge in the disciplines of leadership, personal effectiveness, business strategy, and financial independence.


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