Thursday, March 22, 2007

Corporate Parties Can Be Fun Too

Planning the corporate party may be a job that is no one's idea of a good assignment but the party itself can be fun. Striking the delicate balance between light socializing and appropriate corporate conduct is the tricky part.

Most corporate functions are of the meet and greet or annual meeting variety but there are also corporate retirement or holiday parties. The mood should one which encourages less formal yet business priority fun. Most corporate affairs strongly discourage the sort of conduct that is depicted in movies and T.V. as the office party.

In reality most corporate parties are friendly but often vehicles in which business concerns are discussed. For example, a corporate party may be the place where the boss gives a sort of state of the company address and hands out bonuses. There might be prime rib and excellent side dishes but the point is usually business.

Appropriate business conduct is normally practiced at the corporate party but light banter and conversation that aren't allowed during the business day are appropriate here. Things are not as nose to the grindstone as during the regular office day but corporate conversation is the norm.

Guests will enjoy corporate paper party goods that reflect the lighter side of business. Gag gifts or door prizes are sometimes welcome and sometimes a guest speaker may lead a quick seminar type speech. Most corporate parties are actually conducted during the business day but occasionally a business will sponsor a family oriented company party.

Sometimes companies offer field day or other recreational opportunities for its employees and a few family members or friends. These kinds of corporate parties are not much different from other get-togethers. They are meant as fun ways for those closest to the employees to meet some of the people at work.
Planning the corporate party may be a job that is no one's idea of a good assignment but the party itself can be fun. Striking the delicate balance between light socializing and appropriate corporate conduct is the tricky part.

Most corporate functions are of the meet and greet or annual meeting variety but there are also corporate retirement or holiday parties. The mood should one which encourages less formal yet business priority fun. Most corporate affairs strongly discourage the sort of conduct that is depicted in movies and T.V. as the office party.

In reality most corporate parties are friendly but often vehicles in which business concerns are discussed. For example, a corporate party may be the place where the boss gives a sort of state of the company address and hands out bonuses. There might be prime rib and excellent side dishes but the point is usually business.

Appropriate business conduct is normally practiced at the corporate party but light banter and conversation that aren't allowed during the business day are appropriate here. Things are not as nose to the grindstone as during the regular office day but corporate conversation is the norm.

Guests will enjoy corporate paper party goods that reflect the lighter side of business. Gag gifts or door prizes are sometimes welcome and sometimes a guest speaker may lead a quick seminar type speech. Most corporate parties are actually conducted during the business day but occasionally a business will sponsor a family oriented company party.

Sometimes companies offer field day or other recreational opportunities for its employees and a few family members or friends. These kinds of corporate parties are not much different from other get-togethers. They are meant as fun ways for those closest to the employees to meet some of the people at work.