Sunday, August 13, 2006

3 Simple Steps to Fantastic Testimonials

What's the first thing you look for when buying a product or service online? Ok, after the price? ;-)

That's right - testimonials! Rave reviews from other people who have used the product or service that you're considering investing in can make a huge difference in whether or not you take out your credit card, right?

When potential clients or customers visit your website, they want to see the same thing. It makes them feel that much more comfortable that they're making a good choice in handing over their money to you. Make it easier for them to buy (and easier for you to make a sale) by including testimonials for every product or service you offer.

But not just any nice words will do. You want your testimonials to be results-based so as to do the selling for you. Here's what I mean:

1. Use the Before/After Template

Ideally, your testimonials should tell a very short story about where your client or customer was at before they starting using your product or working with you, and then tells the great results they've gotten since.

For example, one of my clients wrote this testimonial for my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System:

"Hi Alicia,

I also wanted to chime in about how happy I am with your 21 Steps program.

I have purchased several other marketing programs, and while they all provided good information, none provided the steps, resources and direction I was looking for.

What's the first thing you look for when buying a product or service online? Ok, after the price? ;-)

That's right - testimonials! Rave reviews from other people who have used the product or service that you're considering investing in can make a huge difference in whether or not you take out your credit card, right?

When potential clients or customers visit your website, they want to see the same thing. It makes them feel that much more comfortable that they're making a good choice in handing over their money to you. Make it easier for them to buy (and easier for you to make a sale) by including testimonials for every product or service you offer.

But not just any nice words will do. You want your testimonials to be results-based so as to do the selling for you. Here's what I mean:

1. Use the Before/After Template

Ideally, your testimonials should tell a very short story about where your client or customer was at before they starting using your product or working with you, and then tells the great results they've gotten since.

For example, one of my clients wrote this testimonial for my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System:

"Hi Alicia,

I also wanted to chime in about how happy I am with your 21 Steps program.

I have purchased several other marketing programs, and while they all provided good information, none provided the steps, resources and direction I was looking for.